Posts Tagged “publishing”

Publishing cross farm Managed Metadata in cross forest environment with one way trust

April 28 2011 6 comments

Recently we ended up in a situation where there was a need to publish services from one farm to another. Basically there’s nothing special, but we needed to do that between SharePoint farms located in different forests. Only a one way trust was established.

The main idea is that Farm 2 will produce Managed Metadata Service (MMS) to be consumed in Farm 1….

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Publishing Navigation Secrets, Part 1

February 8 2010 13 comments

SharePoint 2007 (and 2010) has a very comprehensive but somewhat confusing navigation system built-in. The main limitation of SharePoint navigation system is, that it doesn’t work over site collection boundaries, and by default it produces real horrible <table> structured output. The output can be altered by writing a custom menu control adapter (or by using CSS friendly control adapters). The…

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