[edit: I forgot to save after updating the post with the relevant registry path. Apologies.]
Last weekend I was tasked with installing a cumulative update on two SharePoint servers and then joining them to two different farms. Pretty basic stuff, except for one thing: the servers were configured to be connected to two older farms, but the old farms were…
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In the installation notice of SharePoint 2010 public beta, it was mentioned that:
“This beta is not supported and you CANNOT upgrade the installation to RTM when it’s released.”
It was later clarified in more detail in a TechNet blog article by Steve Chen. The upgrade paths and the content database attach methods from pre-RTM to RTM will be prevented by technical means. Apparently Microsoft…
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The Office SharePoint Server 2007 administrators now have three years of experience in installing MOSS in various environments. I thought to gather here all the common errors faced in MOSS installation process. Most of these are now luckily documented in MS KB articles. This was not case a year or two ago.
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