Posts Tagged “2010”

Comparing DateTimes in a LINQ to SharePoint Query

September 10 2010 38 comments

Last time I blogged about LINQ to SharePoint (available for SharePoint 2010), and especially about the fact that the underlying CAML generation matters, even though it is hidden by the developer. Here is another issue, or a bug, that I came across.

Consider the following simple situation: you want to fetch and display those calendar events that start…

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LINQ to SharePoint Performance Pitfalls

September 8 2010 19 comments

SharePoint 2010 introduced LINQ to SharePoint which enables the programmer an easy access to SharePoint lists and content types using LINQ.

While LINQ to SharePoint greatly simplifies the code and frees the programmer from writing CAML queries, it can easily result in poor code in terms of performance. The main problem is, IMHO, that the full power of…

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PowerShell Does Not Reload Upgraded Assemblies

September 6 2010 13 comments

If you use PowerShell while developing with SharePoint 2010, you may have come across this. After you upgrade your packages, PowerShell uses old versions of the assemblies that were supposed to be upgraded. This is because the assemblies are loaded to PowerShell’s app domain, and as long as they are used from the same app domain, they do not get…

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Custom Caching Done Fluently

September 3 2010 4 comments

SharePoint includes many out-of-the-box cache mechanisms that can be configured on site and site collection levels. It is not uncommon, however, that you want to make some custom caching in code. Often you simply need more fine-grained control over what is cached and exactly what parameters define the cache key. One scenario where cache profiles are insufficient is…

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First Cumulative Update for SharePoint 2010 Published

August 9 2010 5 comments

The first cumulative update (“June 2010 CU”) for SharePoint 2010 has been released as blogged by Stefan Goßner.

It seems that Microsoft still follows the 2007 CU model – the CU is composed of several packages. I would have also expected CUs to be distributed as official updates, but at least the June 2010 CU is still just…

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Provisioning The User Profile Service Application

July 9 2010 126 comments

As I wrote earlier, SharePoint 2010 ships with a profile synchronization engine from ForeFront Identity Manager. After performing several SharePoint 2010 environment installations, this seems also to be the most fragile part of the SharePoint 2010 architecture especially when using a least privileged accounts install model.

There are lots of content in the blogs and TechNet related to…

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