Posts Tagged “sql server”

Disconnecting a SharePoint Server from a Farm When the Config Database Is Missing

May 31 2010 5 comments

[edit: I forgot to save after updating the post with the relevant registry path. Apologies.]

Last weekend I was tasked with installing a cumulative update on two SharePoint servers and then joining them to two different farms. Pretty basic stuff, except for one thing: the servers were configured to be connected to two older farms, but the old farms were…

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SQL Server – What Every SharePoint Administrator Should Know – Part 1

March 15 2010 16 comments

During the time I have been working with SharePoint, I have noticed that there are quite a lot of admins that don’t know much about one of the most important part of any SharePoint-farm – the database.

My purpose is to clarify some of the very basics of SQL Server running in SharePoint-farms. These writings will cover subjects such as defining…

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Remote BLOB Storage Does Not Save Your SharePoint

March 3 2010 23 comments

SharePoint stores all portal content in content databases. This means that large documents and other binary large objects (BLOBs) quickly push the databases towards the recommended 100GB maximum size limit. Item versioning settings make this even worse, as every minor or major version creates a new binary copy of the document into the database.

A brand new feature of SharePoint…

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