Archive for September 6th, 2010

Automatically Enable Dialog Framework for Hyperlinks

September 6 2010 6 comments

With the inclusion of the new dialog framework in Sharepoint 2010 it is quite easy to create stylish dialog windows that comply to the overall look and feel of your site. As Jomit Vaghela explains in his blog, all you need to do is put the parameter IsDlg=1 in your url and use the SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog method with…

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PowerShell Does Not Reload Upgraded Assemblies

September 6 2010 13 comments

If you use PowerShell while developing with SharePoint 2010, you may have come across this. After you upgrade your packages, PowerShell uses old versions of the assemblies that were supposed to be upgraded. This is because the assemblies are loaded to PowerShell’s app domain, and as long as they are used from the same app domain, they do not get…

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